Monday, March 1, 2010

Beneath the Sky - More Than You Can Handle... (2006)

Beneath the Sky, for those of you who haven't heard of them, are a 5 piece (formerly 6 piece) Metalcore band from Cincinnati, Ohio who formed in 2004. The band consists of Joey Nelson (Vocals), Kevin Stafford (Guitar & Vocals), Jeff Nelson (Guitar), Nick Scarberry (Bass), and Bryan Cash (Drums). They are currently signed to Victory Records and have released 1 demo, 1 EP, and 2 full length albums. Now for the review thingy.

More Than You Can Handle..., Beneath the Sky's first EP, consisted of a different version of the band. They were a 6 piece when this was released. The Nelson brothers and Scarberry were still with the band, it also consisted of Chris Profitt (Guitar), Brandon Sowder (Drums), and Matt Jones (Keytar). The album consists of 5 tracks, those being "A Gunsmoke Kiss", "7861", "Miss Misery With a Delicate Voice", "Our Last Road", and "Being In A Coma Is Hell Carried On". When the album starts off, you hear something that you don't typically hear, an old vinyl record skipping, this is also at the end of the last song on the album. I personally liked it cause it gave it continuity and vaguely reminded me of how Dream Theater started and ended a few of their albums. In the track "Our Last Road", Joey Nelson did something that impressed me vocally, he changed his scream 5 times within just a few seconds. He went from a high pitched scream, to a slightly lower growl, to a mid-tone growl, to a low scream, to what seemed like an extremely low inhale vocal, but I doubt that. The album also marks the first appearance of the track "7861". They re-recorded it and put it on their first full-length album "What Demons Do to Saints". I personally like the EP version better, as they layered the vocals, had a lower guitar tone, and it was overall just better. I'll let you decide though, here's the EP version, and the full-length version.

Overall, this is an album that defines Metalcore, and I hardly even like the genre, but love this album. Definitely pick this up if you're into Underoath, The Devil Wears Prada, August Burns Red, As I Lay Dying, and Scary Kids Scaring Kids. The album was released on May 13, 2006, but is hard to come by as it was self-released. I personally can't find it on amazon or itunes, however, both of their full length albums are on there.

Overall Rating: 4.8 out of 5

Beneath The Sky's Website

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